Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You don't need to fall off the same cliff

When I'm given the opportunity to preach God's Word, I do it the best I can & I try to keep it real: sharing my own life experiences, etc. But I am baffled. Some ppl tend to hear what THEY want to hear. Sometimes they chew the bones & spit out the meat, instead of the opposite!

Sometimes I bring my 'dirty linen' out when I preach, bcoz God has called me to be real with my messages. But how many times must we be reminded that 'u don't have to be a drug addict to know it's destructive' or 'u don't have to be killed to know what it's like to die.'

If I mistakenly fell off a cliff & survived the fall to tell the story... it's not so that ppl who hear me can go & fall off a cliff too! It's, hopefully, so that no one else needs to fall off the same cliff. We should not assume. Not everyone who falls survives. And not everyone who survives is called to tell the story.

So when the story is told, learn the lesson (as best as you can), because it's not necessary for everyone to "be" the lesson. It's no wonder Jesus said in Revelations 2:7 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says..." Don't just hear what was spoken. Hear what was said. Don't need to fall off the same cliff.

1 comment:

Dr V said...

i do very much agree pastor