March '09 was an extremely packed month, but it sure was exciting!
Near the beginning of the month was my birthday! I now have new 1st digit in my double digit age. My Stamina feels older, but my Spirit feels like it'd be "forever young!" (Oh, just a side note.... I share my birthdate with 2 other great men: Pr. Alex Tan and Joshua Chu. Tribute to the Mighty March Men!)Pr. Alex is on the extreme left. Joshua Chu is 3rd from left, sitting.
Then there was my mission trip to Palawan, Philippines to spend time with our partner church: ACTS Family Church Palawan. It was my very first time in the Philippines!!! The church has an incredible and unique ministry there reaching out to street gangs. Pr. Bobot and his family is doing such an amazing job - it's stuff you really have to see for yourself to understand the full extent of it. I had to speak at their evening service where many of the former gangsters (and current gangsters) attend. It was quite an experience! At the end, the Holy Spirit moved...the altar call was packed... they hit record numbers... and it was simply amazing!See that? "G.A.N.G.S 4 GOD" Pretty cool, huh?
ACTS Family Church Palawan
Pr. Bobot & Family
The team from ACTS Church Malaysia. Yeah... got a bit of R&R also lah...!
After Philippines, came the kicking-off our this year's Revo Tours! Started with Miri, and then KK. Fantastic time in both stops. We saw over 1400 young people attending the night rally, or P.A.R.T.Y as we affectionately call it (stands for Preaching/Praying About Revival Through Youth). The altar calls were also packed and we saw many new souls added into God's kingdom!
Revo Miri
Jay & I with Youth Pastor Willie Jita, and Harold
Sitting among local Youth Ministry greats... Rev. Kenneth Chin, Pr. Sam Surendran, Pr. John Cheng, and others.
Finally, the ACTS Teens Street Party topped off the month!! I saw our 40-odd teens in ACTS bring 130 new teens to church! Out of that number 10 received Jesus into their hearts as Lord and Savior! Incredible! I am so encouraged by the team who put the event together. I am so, so, so proud to be their (youth) Pastor! It is truly the greatest "job" in the world for me! Wouldn't trade it for anything else! They have all made me very proud, encouraged, and inspired!
I know it wasn't always easy. I understand the pressure they might have been under. I know there might even be times where they didn't think it would be successful or what they did made a difference or not. But they did it, and the Holy Spirit came through, despite our limitations (and even mistakes)!
The point isn't even the Party itself. I believe that through this experience they have all learnt much, and have grown much too. They've grown both in knowledge, and also in character! That's what I'm rejoicing over all the more! That they have all proved once again that God uses young people, and young people can go great exploits for God! And when a young person believes in her/himself as God believes in them... the sky's the limit!
They have also learned the power of prayer and relying more on the Holy Spirit. I believe our prayer life (individually and corporately) will never be the same again!
This is, of course, not the end. There's much more to learn. Much room to improve and grow - as a ministry and as individuals. There's greater things to come. So it's important keep pressing forward, and keep growing and winning for the Lord!
The CROWD at ACTS Teens Street Party!!!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Mad, Mad March!
Posted by Andy Yeoh at 12:38 AM
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