Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On the go...

Alright, alright...here's some "updates"...which...isn't going to be much...hehe...
I don't know why but I'm not very good with this blogging thing. But I'll try!

The past few weeks have been pretty exciting. I've done quite a bit of travelling - mainly due to speak
ing engagements.

Here are some
photos to tell the story (coz I am too lazy to do it myself :P). Will use 1 post for each trip, starting with...

CHENNAI, INDIA - D2Y2 Youth Conference

Picture 1: Speaking with Interpreter Pr. Ignatius! I broke out with some Tamil words I know too. No, not bad words-lah!
Picture 2: Indian Mangoes! MMmmmmM....!
Picture 3: The Crowd. About 400 attended over 2 Days
Picture 4: The Crowd... from the back.
Picture 5: With the YWAM Team (based in Chennai, India).

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