This is a party like no other. An experience you will remember for a long time more to come. I am fully convinced you will never be the same again. There are people who are pouring out their spirits, souls, sweat, sleep, saliva (eh?) to make this happen. Of course, it's nothing compared to those who have gone before us who have poured out so much more from their lives to give us the 'freedom' we now enjoy. Yet many of us are not really 'free.' "Either you are all free or not free" as someone so rightly said. But there is One who has 'fought' for our Ultimate Freedom - the only 'freedom' that matters. The 'freedom of all freedoms,' so to speak. You'll need it. We all need it.
I trust that you can find it at "Freedom Fighters" on Aug 25, 2007 @ 7:30pm @ ACTS Church - 2nd Floor Summit Hotel USJ. You'll need to be there. Mark the date down. Call up your friends. Come together for an experience like no other.

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